
Fiber roundup

It has been Some Time since my last spinning roundup. I did many things in the past almost two months. Spinning has been a wonderful distraction, especially when work is slow but I might need to stop and answer emails.

Merino, the colorway was southwest succulents. I chain plyed it to keep the colors together. Nice and squishy, 4oz, 200ish yards.

A pastel blue, brown and pink braid of yarn.

Mystery wool, but probably Jacob. It’s from a farm local to my parents and they only label by their sheep name. It had some vegetable matter but was wonderful to spin and also purple is my favorite color. 2 ply, 4 oz, 600ish yards I think.

A purple skein of yarn.

This was a Targhee base, dyer is Llady Llama Fiber Co. Clockwork was the colorway and I did it as a gradient, where I separated the colors into 7 different sections for each braid of 4 oz and then plyed it together. 8oz, 2 ply, 1600 yards. I think I’ve got an idea for what to do with it but not 100% sure yet. It’s beautiful.

Yarn on a niddy noddy, colors run transition from dark blue to dark brown.

Now a bunch of 1 ounce samples of different breeds I did. I spun the ounce as one single, pulled off some single, did a plying bracelet for 2 ply and chain plyed for the 3 ply.


White yarn sampler for Jacob wool.


A grey yarn sampler of Corriedale fiber.

Manx Laoghtan

A brown yarn sampler of Manx Loeghton fiber


A yarn sampler of Zwartbles fiber.

Baby Camel

A brown yarn sampler of baby camel fiber.

Merino base, dyed by Llady Llama Fiber Co, moss on slate I think. I only had one 4oz braid so I did it as a fractal spin. Turned out better than I thought it would when I was spinning it. Currently I’m crocheting a shawl out of it and it looks good. 4oz, 2ply, 600ish yards

Yarn held in my hand, colors run from green to grey and back with some barberpoling.

Corriedale from my local yarn shop/sheep farm, Foster Sheep Farm. Spinning the singles was nice, plying was a nightmare because it kept catching on the hooks of my wheel. 4oz, 2 ply, 600ish yards

Brown yarn with a grey tie.

Teeswater. Oh so lovely. I was going to only do an ounce for the sampling project but then I just spun up the whole 4.5 oz because it was so nice to spin. I did it as a 3 ply, 300ish yards and super squishy.

Beautiful white yarn that practically glows.

Finally, I finished the blanket I’ve been working on for two months. I made it with all the alpaca yarn I had and the black section is some I spun up. It is around 5 feet across and super warm. The pattern is Rings of Change. I made it to row 60ish of 110.

A circular brown blanket with a black trim is spread on the floor. It has elaborate crocheted rings.

My next spinning is already underway, I’m doing a lazy gradient of some dyed targhee and spinning it thicker so it will be super poofy after finishing. It’s a very bright yellow. I have Plans to buy a fuckton of roving this next week or two because I got my stimulus check and I plan to help stimulate the economy. Especially since the MD Sheep & Wool is having a virtual festival this weekend and I had planned to go down there.